Statum: A Free and Open-Source Web-Analytics for Developing Websites

If you're in search of a free, lightweight alternative to Google Analytics for your project, one with local setup and more precise measurements, check out Statum: a free and open-source website analytics tools.

Its most distinguishing feature is its use of combined statistics based on local nginx/apache logs and web analytics collected using a compact JS script.

Statum utilizes both web-server logs and client-side collected statistics. This dual-source approach provides a comprehensive perspective on a website's traffic, enabling quick analysis and reporting on various aspects such as visitor activity, page errors, and more.

Importantly, Statum is designed for easy installation and use. It operates effectively either as a standalone tool or in conjunction with other web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics.


  • Parses Nginx/Apache server logs.
  • Filters and extracts relevant details like IP, method, URL, user-agent, etc.
  • Categorizes user-agents into mobile, bot, and others.
  • Enriches and augments local log file statistics on web traffic with web-based javascript analytics and provide a comprehensive data on return visitors.
  • HTML report with statistics on web traffic, return visitors, and more.

We have just released its second update and we are use it across all our projects. It's simple and austere but proficient.

Currently, it lacks a user interface, it is in progress. The output of reports is delivered to a static HTML file, which is sufficient to view all crucial website analytics.
2024-01-06 13:37